Home How to shop on Aliexpress 28. How to get discount coupons on AliExpress

28. How to get discount coupons on AliExpress

28. How to get discount coupons on AliExpress

If you shop on the AliExpress, you’ve saved a lot of money already. Thanks to our manuals how to shop there and we will learn you how to save even more money on Aliexpress. We will write about the discount coupons that you can get on AliExpress. We would recommend you to watch our site because we will inform you about special events just on time to get coupons.

How can I get coupons?

On aliexpress there are two types of discount coupons.

AliExpress coupons are issued directly under the auspices www.Alibaba.com. Most often you will find them during events organized by AliExpress. For example a discount day 11.11 or celebration of an anniversary or during the event for mobile applications. To redeem a coupon you have to buy goods for a certain sum.

Sellers Coupons you can get directly at a particular seller and you can also use them in seller`s shop. The seller may also determine, that you can use coupon only buy if you make a purchase, for example: $ 10.


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Where can I find coupons?

Here is a link to list of coupons from the sellers. Clicking on the link will take you to that page, where you’ll find hundreds of coupons from sellers on AliExpress. Choose that coupon you like most and click on it. The picture shows that one seller can offer more coupons. Besides the picture on coupon is the name of the store / seller. We clicked on a coupon from the seller Fashion Mens Wardrobe.

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Simply click on the coupon and you will get to the list of coupons of the seller. Choose the and click on it – Get coupon now.

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Subsequently there will pop up this message. This message announce that you have got a coupon for US $ 5, and you can use it only in a store of this seller. Furthermore, there you see the date until what time is coupon valid. In this case it is until 13 November 2016. If you want to use the coupon immediately click on Use Coupon Now or you can look at it through the View My Coupons.

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On the list of all your coupons you can have a look at any time over the main panel and My AliExpress -> My Orders -> My Coupons. Discounts are split to AliExpress Coupons and Sellers Coupon. Coupon that we have just get is shown below. We recommend to control this, because you can forget about some coupons and if their expire you can not longer use them.

Validity period  says from what period you can use it.

Can be used on tells you what you can use it for. In this case, for everything from certain seller.

Coupon name in this case is the name of the store.

Coupon status you see if the discount coupon is still valid.

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Watch our site because in the next tutorial will show you how to pay such with discount coupon on Aliexpress.


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